Pamelia Volunteer Fire Department #34
Becoming a Member
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Becoming a Member
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How do you become a member with  Pamelia Fire Department??

Great Question!
First off you as an individual need to want to help out the community! We want people who are going to be there for the community, yourself, as well as your fellow firefighters!
To become a member you need to come to our fire station and fill out an application. Fire Certifications are not neccessary! If you want to volunteer in the community we ask that you stop down take a look at our fire department. Meet the members!
Fill out the form below. Upon being contacted you will be asked that you submit a $1.00 application fee, irregardless of membership with Pamelia Fire. Completing this form means that you agree to pay the $1.00 fee. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us. 629-5260

Street Address, City, State, Zip
Phone Number
Date of Birth (Mo/Day/Year)
Why do you want to be a member in Pamelia Fire Department?
Who is your Employer?
When are you available?
If you are working and receive a fire call would your employer let you leave work?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
List 3 References with phone numbers
By placing the last four digits of your ssn number in the box you are verifying that all information included in this application is true. You are also giving us the approval to run a background arson investigation on you.

We are always taking applications. 315-629-5260